- First Newsletter (English)
- First Newsletter (French)
Publications in Peer reviewed journals
Educational videos
- DMC-Malvec - Game Videos
- SuperPests educational videos and quizzes in the open pedagogic platform MOODLE
- SuperPests educational videos in Youtube:
E-learning unit 1A: Pesticide resistance mechanisms of arthropods- Part A
E-learning unit 1B: Pesticide resistance mechanisms of arthropods- Part B
E-learning unit 2: Plant resistance to arthropods
E-learning unit 3: Molecular diagnostics of insecticide resistance
E-learning unit 4: Models of predator / prey / plants interactions
Acknowledgements for SuperPests educational videos and pedagogic platform
Scientific Coordination
E-learning units 1A and 1B: MS. Tixier (SupAgro), and A. Tsakgarakou (DIMITRA)
E-learning unit 2: M. Kant (UvA)
E-learning unit 3: J. Vontas (AUA) and C. Bass (UNEXE)
E-learning unit 4: : M. Montserrat (CSIC) and M. Recker (UNEXE)
Technical Support
Julien Rose and Mathilde Cathelain, Montpellier SupAgro
Coordination and Supervision
Maria Navajas, WP7 leader
Italian subtitles kindly provided by Carla Marchiorio